Oh my gosh, YES. I had my first baby in July and I was shocked by how woefully unaware I’d been at the level of support needed postpartum (especially after getting an unexpected c section in my case), and how, looking back, I had also under-supported my friends who had had kids before me, without ever realizing it or understanding what could have been more helpful. I was embarrassed even, reflecting, although truly how can you know if you haven’t been in it or at least seen it up close and personal before? I had girlfriends who literally just showed up the day after I got home and did stuff I would never had asked anyone to do (which they also knew), including bring over fresh groceries, start a meal train, etc. Anyways, all that to say: great post! 🤎

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Feeding my two week old while I read this and nodding affirmatively, vigorously. Yes.

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This is such a lovely list of advice!

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Giving birth in ~4 weeks and this post felt so resonant for me. Another thing I've found so sweet and supportive during pregnancy has been the proactive check in from a couple of friends asking what vaccines they need to make sure they are up to date on in order to meet baby and help around the house in his first two months.

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I'm saving this and will be coming back to it *often*! Thank you for demystifying how to show up for new parents.

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The "I'll bring you a coffee and hold your baby while you shower in peace" gift was my favorite gift.

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This is incredible. I've never had a baby, but after my best friends did, I realized that I didn't do nearly enough to help my sister-in-laws years earlier. We have local friends having their first next month and I'm definitely going to take one of your meal options over to them.

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This is incredible! I love how specific and clear this is, I’m already planning on sending these kits to two friends who are expecting.

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this is amazing, gold, a treasure, thank you!!

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I almost bought this book last night and now you’ve really convinced me!!

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This is *exactly* the guide I needed in this very moment!! down to the recipe ideas — thank you for this. have been struggling with how to show up with my new mom friends.

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Everything about this 👏🏽 exactly

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Love this so much! Offering an action versus an ask is so key!

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